Life is a game of poker

I’ve been on an Annie Duke reading kick.

So today’s insight is from another of her best sellers: Thinking in Bets.

Life (and business) is a game of poker, not chess. Despite what we want to believe, there is an extensive element of uncertainty that governs our lives.

You can make the best decisions and still fail.

In this scenario, your first instinct might be to throw it all out and start from scratch, but understand there was hidden information playing a role there.

From our perspective of known variables, the seemingly random failure is disheartening; however, with closer inspection it can actually uncover new information.

What had been an unknown variable is now accounted for.

We are only has good as what we know, everything else is left up to chance.

The more we fail, the more we’ll know, and the less chance will be involved.

Source: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke (still not an affiliate link)

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